Stardust (2007), based on the illustrated novel of the same title by Neil Gaiman, is an adult fantasy in the vein of The
Princess Bride (1987), though less witty and wry and a bit more earnest. One key to the success of the film and the novel is that they create and play by their own rules. The world of Stardust is clearly and indisputably not ours. Stars that fall to earth and become beautiful young women, teleportation by wishing on magic candles, evil witches, evil princes, long lost mothers, missing sisters, virtuous but simple young heroes—this movie has all of these and more. Stardust relies on modest visual effects and strong acting and characterizations. Robert DeNiro is especially memorable as an in-the-closet Captain Shakespeare whose sky ship captures and sells the electric charges of lightning bolts. Claire Danes as the fallen star Yvaine mainly has only to stand around and look heavenly--she succeeds. The relatively unknown Charlie Cox serves admirably in the main male character's role of Tristan. This entertaining film may lack much in substance but offers much in fantasy and romance.
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